
Overnight Video: Jonathan Coulton, Nobody Loves You Like Me

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/01/2012 9:20:08 pm PST

We get a bonus “letter to the editor” tonight (previous one is downstairs):

LETTER: Release time schools

Concerning the letter “Distractions” in the March 1 Gadsden Times, the writer referred to “the ridiculous release time initiative by Rep. Blaine Galliher.” [A proposed Alabama law allowing public school children to attend religion classes at private facilities, for credit.] Since the writer is so enthusiastic about evolution, he should ask his school board to allow him to establish a released time school in his district. He could teach kids how Mr. Darwin passionately hated God and had no other motivation than to destroy Christianity; how to invert the Second Law of Thermodynamics so that things get better through the ages rather than worse.

Creation and evolution are opposite, irreconcilable world views. Neither is a legitimate subject for science since neither can be subjected to observation and cannot be reproduced. Since neither philosophy can be scientifically proven, if one calls itself science, so should the other. Creationism, based as it is upon the Bible, was entirely satisfactory to believers, and creation science would not exist if evolution had not challenged the Creator.

RT schools, as Mr. Galliher envisions them, will be taught by teachers with degrees in science from accredited institutions. Mr. Galliher, like most of us, believe that people should have evidence so they can decide for themselves what they wish to believe. If it is “ridiculous,” then let the student and his parents decide. We don’t need letter writers to tell us what is ridiculous. The NEA and the National Science Foundation do that very efficiently.

Speaking of books, try “The Biblical Basis for Modern Science” by Henry M. Morris, available from ICR.

Joseph Kennedy



This is America.