
What do Netanyahu and Wile E. Coyote have in common? Bibi Pulls Out A Cartoon Bomb To Explain to UN The Iranian Nuclear Threat

Destro9/27/2012 9:02:43 pm PDT

re: #14 Sophia77

Iran is not Germany, it is a broke, militarily weak nation. Comparing Iran to the Nazi Germany (a economic and military superpower) is fear mongering.

Israel can wipe out Iran more easily than Iran can wipe out Israel.

See, the difference here is Netanyahu is calling for a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities in the hope it will knock out pre-production facilities.

Obama can do it with sanctions and smart covert means and no need for a war.

That’s the difference.

I am not saying leave Iran alone. I am saying Netanyahu’s strategic vision on this is crap.