
Twice as many killed by mass shootings: U.S. Muslim Terrorism Was Practically Nil in 2012

CuriousLurker2/03/2013 12:39:51 am PST

re: #13 rosiee

I hear you. Try to stay calm and not let words from hateful assholes make you lose your cool. When we get angry we make mistakes because our ability to think rationally is impaired (that’s a biological fact), and haters will try to provoke you into an emotional response so you’ll be at a disadvantage. Don’t fall into that trap. They’ll also try to force you into a defensive crouch, which is also a trap.

Be rational. Be respectful. Deal with facts , not emotions. If someone tries to make you angry, don’t react—just stay calm and stay on point. If they persist, tell them that insults, unfounded allegations, innuendo, hyperbole, etc. ISN’T going to move you, and when they’re ready to have an honest & civil conversation you’ll be happy to accommodate them. Then just walk away. But you have to mean it—you can’t say it and then let them bait you back into a stupid argument. And you MUST have your facts straight.

As for other stuff you see or hear, stuff that doesn’t directly involve you and which you have no control over, just let it roll off of your back. Sadly, there’s always going to be bigotry & ignorance in the world, and internalizing the hate directed at you will only harm you and make you bitter. Let it go. Find something positive to do until the feeling goes away instead of dwelling on it.