
A Curiously Sad Song From They Might Be Giants: "The Greatest"

Interesting Times4/07/2018 4:17:34 pm PDT

re: #147 Eclectic Cyborg

Saw your post last night about mouse woes, but the thread was as dead as the mice you’re dealing with aren’t ;) Seriously though, have you looked into Victor’s electronic mouse traps? I’ve had a lot of luck with them (yes, I had to buy more than one because I live in a rural area and the damn things had a nice little rodent family -_-)

I used roasted peanuts as bait (they have a nice, strong smell), placed them as far back in the trap as I could, and placed the traps themselves up against walls in the areas where I’d seen mouse activity. As soon as the mouse steps onto the metal plates inside the trap, it gets a shock and dies instantly. No muss, no fuss, no collateral cruelty like what you’d get from a glue trap - just open the trap door and dump the mouse out.