
Return of the Texas Taliban: Schoolbooks Are Anti-Christian

Yashmak9/23/2010 12:09:11 pm PDT

re: #8 Dreggas

I’m all for covering Christianity in school textbooks. In fact there should be sections dedicated to:

The corruption of the early Church.
The Crusades.
The idea of indulgences that led to the protestant reformation.
The inquisition.
The use of christianity to kill or convert native populations.
The use of christianity in the witch hunts both in Europe (outside the inquisition)
and the Americas.
The use of christianity to justify slavery.

Actually, several of those things WERE in my AP European History course in high-school. I specifically recall coverage of the crusades, indulgences, and the period leading up to and including the reformation.

These things happened, and had a profound impact on human history. It’s intellectually dishonest for folks like these Texas BOE individuals to try to gloss them over, or claim some sort of “bias” against Christianity simply because they are presented in a history text book.