
Stunning Video Imagery: The Infinite Now

TedStriker5/13/2017 4:04:05 pm PDT

re: #124 Shiplord Kirel

Those rubberized scrambled “eggs” are the absolute nadir of hospital food. They remind me of the filling in a golf ball but probably taste worse. They are so bad it’s almost admirable. How do they do it? How many ways are there to screw up an egg? If you gathered 1000 of the most incompetent chefs on the planet and promised a million dollars to whichever one could come up with the worst offering, they would be hard pressed to delivery anything worse than hospital eggs. Hospital lime jello salad might come close though.

I worked institutional foodservice (BSA summer camp) for about seven years (1993-94, 2002-2006) and a lot’s changed over the years; in my later stint, we were using boil-in-bag frozen egg mix for scrambled eggs, which is de rigeur in foodservice these days (and was probably what you had). It makes it a lot easier to cook fresh-ish scrambled eggs, but, that said, it’s still possible to screw them up (cooking too long, letting the water level or temperature in the Groen pots get out of whack).