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American Sabra4/29/2009 11:18:46 am PDT

Ok, so I have a question. Sorry if this isn’t the place to post this.

So where do you see the GOP going? I’ve never been a registered Republican, tho I’ve voted Republican in the past.

You are funded by the Religious Right, the Moral Majority. For good or bad, they have been the backbone, both financially and “spiritually” of the conservative movement for, say the last 30 years or so? I don’t really understand this re-identification the Right is going through. Unless it’s just simply sour grapes over the election and it will die down. I think there’s definitely some of that. But it seems to be something more which the blog bru-ha-ha indicates.

At any rate, I simply can’t see the GOP pulling away from its far Right roots. How could it possibly exist without the Religious Right? Unless it becomes something else entirely. Maybe the question is what you all asked upthread. Who leads the Right? Buchanan? Gingrich? Rove? Steele? Boehner? Rush and Beck may have influence, but I don’t see them as party leaders. I could be dead wrong, of course.

The Left doesn’t have this issue that I have seen. I think because the far Left does not control the party. Neither do they fund the party. Liberal party leaders are Hillary and Bill mostly, I would say. I don’t know who else, outside of Obama. Not Pelosi. She’s not terribly popular on either side.