
Wingnuts in Despair: Glenn Beck, Robert Stacy McCain

Scottish Dragon11/07/2012 4:51:34 pm PST

Oh. My. God.

Dependable Catholic wingnut Erin Manning is very concerned, as usual, that some of you folks may be having secksey time that is sterile.

Her rage was truly a thing of wonder.

Erin Manning says:November 7, 2012 at 12:06 am

The lesson for conservatives is this: you will not be able to convey the message of social conservatism to a people who have not only proved that they think with their sex organs, but who also demand that the government provide them with free contraception for their minds less some seed of virtue is inadvertently planted somewhere, which unwelcome bastard must be aborted by means of cheap Internet porn or daytime television, whichever is more readily available at the moment.

Sadly, I would have written this same thing had Romney won, as I did not vote for him and saw (and still see) little difference between him and the continued occupant of the White House; they are both moral midgets in every respect, and today’s Americans by and large deserve to be “led” by such people. Why bother selling social conservatism in a kakistocracy? Pearls before swine, and all that.

We just aren’t good enough for people like her!

But it gets better…

So, voters in Maine and Maryland have legally defined all practicing Roman Catholics as bigots and haters in their states.

I had ancestors from Maine, but they had the good sense to get out. I have relatives in Maryland, but I haven’t seen them in years and don’t plan to visit their state again, in keeping with my policy of spending absolutely no money in states that have legally defined me as a bigot and/or a hater.

Comments are closed on this one; sorry, but I’m not in the mood to deal with the whining gay narcissists who fill my comboxes with filth when I post on their wicked sodommarriage stupidity.

The splendid finale:

Did conservatives lose out because voters in three leftist states redefined marriage to include same-sex pairings? Frankly, it’s surprising that in those cesspools of reeking degeneracy conservatives were able to put up any kind of a fight at all. Did conservatives lose because in a sound-bite era somebody mouthed off about rape in a way that sounded insensitive? No; exit polls indicated that voters chose the Democrat because they want more free government goodies. They may not have said so in so many words, but that’s what it amounted to, because the Democrat harpy got votes from pro-lifers, too; abortion’s not as important, you see, as making other people pay for your stuff.

Did a conservative lose the presidential race? No, because calling Mitt Romney a conservative is like calling two men or two women a “marriage;” you can say it all you want, but it’s still patently ridiculous. If Mitt Romney was ever the best or brightest hope of American conservatives, then American conservatism is dead, and might as well be laid to rest. But Mitt Romney was not selling conservatism on the campaign trail; he was selling liberalism-lite, and on pretty much the same terms as his opponent.

Conservatism didn’t lose last night, because conservatism wasn’t even up for election this time around….But I think that someday American conservatism will make a comeback. It will happen a long time from now, when those of easy virtue have gotten all their free birth control and subsidized abortion and have thus failed to reproduce themselves, and America, like many European nations, replaces her native population with people from other countries who still have enough respect for personal responsibility to value faith, family, and hard work, and to seek to encourage those values at the highest levels.

So take heed, you wicked, wicked birth control users! Erin and her friends are going to out-breed all of you!