
Creationism Spreading in Schools, Thanks to Vouchers

wrenchwench1/16/2013 8:42:02 pm PST

re: #138 Political Atheist

I’m sorry ‘bout that. I felt Ojoe was taking some unfair heat and I responded from my own real experience here in the valley.

I didn’t get bused, but I was in southern California around the same time and earlier.

The only real solution to segregated schools would be to integrate the neighborhoods. That would be hard.

You say they should have fixed the crappy schools. That wasn’t (isn’t) going to happen as long as they were (are) segregated. The crappiness was because of the segregation. You couldn’t leave them segregated and fix them.

A lot of people suffered during the busing efforts. The ones who aren’t white suffered disproportionately before and after, too.