
Twitter Restores White Supremacist Leader Richard Spencer's Account, and Verifies Him

Blind Frog Belly White12/11/2016 8:43:12 am PST

One big problem with Trump and the people he’s picking is that they think they know better than the data. Trump doesn’t need daily, or even, apparently bi-weekly intelligence briefings, because he’s smart, and he’d only get them when they’re needed. Puzder claims a restaurant recession caused by Obamacare that the data don’t show. The whole Right believes in the magic of tax cuts against all available evidence. Global warming doesn’t exist because they don’t want it to.

There will be a wholesale abandonment of fact- and data-driven policy. Businesses will love the reduced regulations. Rich people will love the reduced taxes. And the WWC will love the spectacle of Trump saving a couple hundred jobs here, and a couple hundred there, while we give up on the economy of the 21st Century.