
Overnight Ocean Thread

Kreuzueber Halbmond10/18/2009 7:03:14 am PDT

“When a child looks at a bird, he looks at its splendid colours, the texture of its feathers, its surprised movements, its cooing and the whole spectrum of events delights him. Then comes along Father who must intervene in the son’s own interests and tell him that this is a robin, that is a swallow and that he had better know the difference.” -J. Krishnamurti

A displeasing aura of vanity and authoritarianism pervades the uncivil, daily dead-end discourse. Increasingly it seems, truth is masked in myriad lies, political ideologies beget fascism, religions are warped and practiced to advance the agendas of ignorance and hate, and lunacy and suffering are displacing common sense and charity. Given humankind’s proclivity toward violence, it is foolishly dangerous to feed the rancorous atmosphere, and we should recognize the insanity of repetitively indulging in pointless, polarizing behavior. Lost and engaged in the ceaseless social/political fray, we should set aside our evil nature and seek the higher, healing stream of lovingkindness that clears our heads. Only by absorbing what is good and true, allowing ourselves to receive all we can hold, and then reflecting it in every thought and action, may we overcome the irrational doctrines of those who play poisonous games in the twilight - feigning virtue and disguising vice. Finally, empowered by positive effort, we jump on the scale of life, tipping it away from the darkness toward the light. When will humankind reject the hopeless spiral of debasement it has chosen and accept the elevating power of Love as its salvation?

“Our salvation from all evil lies in separating the sin from man’s true selfhood, and in condemning the sin but not the man.” -C.W. Chadwick

To elevate humanity’s collective thought toward the eternal plane of spiritual consciousness – absolute Love - should be the primary purpose of our every endeavor. The paradox is that we are endowed with God’s gift of pure sanity, but surrender to the “Adam-dream,” which enfolds all earthly discord. Sleeping on, we lose the reason of our existence in a world of chaos we create. While promulgating hatred and division by word and by deed, we futilely attempt to recover everlasting clarity of mind, which we abandoned for a transitory animation in an electromagnetically charged shell of foam. That is the reality of our mortal existence - delivered into corporeality - drenched, screaming, fists clenched, hungering for battle. When we awake, we are able to rise above the falsehoods, sweep away our shadows and addictions, find peace, unclench and embrace the constant remembrance of God.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” -John 1:5

The Little Green Football is not a perfect sphere, yet a positive vibe mostly flows from here. And people may not like it, and kick you and call you crazy or worse, but when you are doing the best you can to enlighten, you are on the righteous track. Today is a new day. Awaken and lift your mind into the dance. End the polarization; begin the elevation. Get back to the Garden and plant only seeds of goodness for all humanity, and revel in an existence bathed in the warm glow of Love.

“One-eyed men aren’t really reigning
They just march in place until
Two-eyed men with mystery training
Finally feel the power fill
Three-eyed men are not complaining.
They can yo-yo where they will
They slip inside this house as they pass by.” -Tommy Hall

With acrimony toward no man, I’m letting my hair down and just livin’ on.
-Kreuzueber Halbmond

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