
Catholic School Rejects Child Because Parents Are Gay

Super-ego3/09/2010 9:25:55 am PST

Sad to put the child in this situation. We know nothing about the ‘mothers’ here. Are they activists? Was this a thought out political agenda? I’d like to know if the two women were practicing Catholics. Until I know more about them, I can’t support them.

The women are adults and I’m sure very aware of what may happen. They also understand it would put their child at the crux of the debate. Although the child is not the issue here, the homosexuality is the issue. And the church has a principled stance against that act and other issues on moral grounds. Granted there are probably other moral grounds too that could be taken against other parents for other issues if they were known.

The parents of this child hold the responsibility to protect this child. I certainly hope that the only reason they wanted their child to go to this school was to get a well rounded spiritually based education. But so far it’s about attacking the church. I can’t see why the church is at fault here according to this story.