
A Gorilla Is Born at Lincoln Park Zoo

A Mom Anon10/21/2012 6:15:25 am PDT

re: #142 Reverend Mother Ramallo

My son has a friend from Tehran,a kid he hangs out with at the heavy metal venue they both like. He says that most of the population of Iran is under 30 now,and that the young people love western culture and the freedom our young people have. The kind of music he loves here could get him in pretty big trouble in many parts of Iran.There’s a really active underground culture in Iran,which kind of gives me hope that eventually there can be a more sane government there.The younger generations want a more secular government. I think the young people are the key to this,but if we go in there all cowboy and shit,it’s not going to work.

It’s complex,above my pay grade,but “bomb,bomb,bomb,bomb,bomb Iran”doesn’t seem like a great plan.