
New Poll Shows Overwhelming Opposition to Government Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

sizzzzlerz9/28/2015 9:19:54 am PDT

NASAs big press conference this morning has revealed that scientists are reporting finding liquid water molecules contained within ephemeral streaks of briny salts originating in the walls of several craters on the surface of Mars. These streaks appear during particular times over the course of a Martian year and then disappear, indicating these are happening now as opposed to being fossilized flows. Using spectroscopy from the Mars Orbiter, they identified several places in the spectra where the chemical nature of the streaks absorbed the light. They were able to identify the chemical makeup of the salts by searching for a similar absorption pattern across a variety of salt compounds.

It isn’t rivers or ponds of liquid water but it’s the first indication that there is water on Mars and the implications of that fact can be huge.