
Stephen Colbert in "Chopper Talk" [VIDEO]

ObserverArt1/11/2019 2:04:57 pm PST

re: #123 Targetpractice

I’m not sure that a federal judge is going to believe there’s such a “crisis” on the border that a national emergency declaration is warranted when the guy who says he has the authority to make such a declaration and have it stick…is tossing the issue back to Congress which just adjourned for the weekend. It’s not much of a “crisis” when you keep stalling for time.

Trump stepped on all that yesterday when with Hannity he said “he will call the emergency if he doesn’t get his legislation and funding for the wall.”

He made it clear it has never been about a crisis at the border.

The crisis is he can’t get his way.

Can’t call an emergency on that. If he does, he might get impeached. That is why people are saying Mitch is standing back. Mitch knows the laws and he knows what can break them. And he isn’t going to be a party to it.

He also know if he stops Trump the Trump base will kill him. And Mitch likes his power.

I’ll keep saying it…Trump has been bluffing the whole time. It’s all show because that is what he knows how to do.

I just heard it reported in a bit of a different way. Trump was said to say to the news folks that he had at a luncheon the other day: I know this isn’t going to work, but I have to try it because I have to look strong (to his base).

He is harming people, he is harming his party…but damn, he is not going to harm himself. He knows his base loves this shit…and he is going to ride that until the ride stops. Or, crashes.

Look at his past. It is businesses in rubble. Lost confidence by any banks and city governments in America that would work with him.

So what did he do? Put on a show that made him look all tough business man. It was called The Apprentice. And it made him feel like a success. It was all fake. It was all bullshit.

And he is on video right now from today saying “I’m not looking at it right now, I know if I if I call the emergency, it will go to the courts, and then ‘maybe’ the Supreme Court will allow it. But I know this should be done by congress, it is easy for them.”

Does that sound like someone that is going to go through with it?