
Acoustic Guitar Master Jon Gomm Does Radiohead: "High and Dry"

lawhawk4/03/2017 8:42:21 am PDT

re: #151 Clearly a Country For Sick Old Haters

They keep imagining that far-right-wing scoundrels are patriots rather than wingnut “patriots”.

Patriots for what country?

These same fuckers have no problem waving the flag of insurrectionists and the secessionists who lost the Civil War (aka the War of Southern Insurrection). So it’s not entirely clear that they’re patriots for the United States. Their parroting of RT talking points and Trump-isms suggests that they’re rooting for Putin’s Russia, not the US. And ultimately manipulating US policy so that it hews to Putin’s view doesn’t help the US, and gives Russia a free hand to do as it likes in Europe.

Ask these right wingers why the GOP made their platform more Putin-friendly when Trump insisted. They have no answer for it, because it goes to intent.