
Crowded House: "Fall at Your Feet" (Live From Home, 2020)

Belafon7/05/2020 2:56:42 pm PDT

Looks like we might have a name for the woman who trashed the masks at the Target:

We have IDed the woman as Melissa Rein Lively the CEO of The Brand Consortium

And it seems that she needs help:

Her entire story was from 8 Am (ish?) - 2 PM? The husband wants a divorce and kicked her out, so she went to a hotel. Went to Target, tried destroying it, and got kicked out. Got an Uber back to her hotel. Immediately went shopping, bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff using daddy’s credit card (literally). Was eventually stopped because she refused to wear a mask. Got kicked out of the hotel, walked around with hats ON HER FEET because she apparently lost her shoes. Got another Uber to her house. When she went into her house, her Range Rover was there (somehow) and she tried to leave. The husband stopped her, took her purse away to keep her there. Called the cops. Told the cops how much of a threat her husband is, told them he had unregistered guns, anything to get HIM arrested Then here we are.