
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

robdouth7/30/2010 11:50:26 am PDT

re: #118 darthstar

I agree that the answers don’t make them look good, but since they all answered independently without knowing who was going to be asked and what their “peers” would answer, I’m just saying it’s faulty logic to assume they didn’t all reach the same (incorrect) conclusions independently. However, I do think the discrimination against whites is a loaded question because of the definition of discrimination and how it lines up exactly with affirmative action. By definition, preference for one group is discrimination against those not in that group. That’s just definitional, so it’s a meaningless question. If someone asked me if there was invidious and malicious discrimination, i’d respond no, but given there are policies to discriminate or prejudge or prefer based on race (every public university has an affirmative action department, and the recent financial regulations law created 20-30 new offices of minority and women hiring areas for different areas in the government) you kinda have to answer yes to that question.