
Video: Samantha Bee Is Very Upset About America's White Plight

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/14/2017 12:23:25 am PST

re: #153 Alyosha

We probably won’t see eye to eye on this because you have an obvious need for the drugs that might only be available in Canada and on that point I would urge you to do whatever you can to obtain those medications.
My point is simply that Booker understands that the US isn’t in such a financial crisis that it can’t also properly fund research, regulate the industry and control prices.
It is entirely backwards that a country should legalise what is essentially black marketeering just because a political solution cannot be arrived at.
Do what you must but don’t hold legislators to a standard which demands that they ought to cede responsibility for its own citizenry in favour of thrusting them upon a decent neighbour who cannot object.

Well, I would argue that Canada could object: It’s parliament could prohibit Canadian firms from selling drugs across the border, for example.

Brooker did cede responsibility for his own citizens in favour of his states’ pharma companies.

And again, if Canada’s firms were suddenly squeezed by Americans purchasing drugs there, they would increase production: That’s how capitalism works.

If I had a say, it would be single-payer healthcare (but I don’t have a say). Since we cannot have that, and the right is always screaming about “free market,” well, let’s have a free market. Let Canadian firms compete here. (Oh wait, they aren’t in favour of competition, “free market” is another lie.)

As I said above, I won’t throw Sen. Brooker under the bus just yet, but I’ll be watching for signs he is going the way of Joe Manchin (D-Pharma) or Joe Lieberman (I-Insurance) - their real constituents.