
A Sublime New Track by Tommy Emmanuel and Jake Shimabukuro: "Rachel's Lullaby"

Jay C8/29/2018 8:52:38 am PDT

re: #137 Dr. Matt

On happier note, this first thing I did this morning was donate to the Gillum campaign. He’s going to need deep pockets considering the Klan is going to spend a shit ton to keep Florida in the hands of the GOP/Nazis.

Back in NY for a few minutes before I have to hit the road again ( so of course I check in at LGF!) - on the way down this morning, I was listening to WCBS radio, and they characterized Andrew Gillum as a “far-leftist”, and his victory from his having (supposedly) made some hard left turn.
Sounds like BS to me: I’m sure Gillum is (by FL GOP standards) a virtual Commie, but it still seems a stupid way to frame things.
But I’m sure conjuring up visions of The Red Terror will be a staple of campaign ads…