
Video: Allen West's Biker Supporters Threaten and Harass Dem Staffer

Major Tom10/19/2010 12:28:59 pm PDT

I see Allen West signs, and stickers all over the place in Boca Raton and southern Palm Beach county… It’s weird, the people he attracts. You’ll see a soccer mom in a Dodge Caravan with a-5-stick-figure-family sticker on the back window, and an Allen West Sticker on the bumper…

That being said, I don’t know if it will be as close of a race as some are saying. Klein has a lot of support with Senior citizens, and frankly, Jews, and this district seems to be formed around those two demographics. I know the Tea Party is strong in Florida, but I’m really hoping their numbers seem exaggerated by their willingness to plaster bumper stickers and hang flags off of their vehicles.