
Second Day of Deadly Protests Over Koran Burning

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/02/2011 11:19:21 am PDT

re: #144 ggt

And, in fact, during that entire time we’ve been engaging in military missions in Muslim lands. And many of the Islamacists who hate the US, who really do hate us for our freedoms, use our presence there as a rallying cry, claiming that we’re there engaged in a war against Islam. And it’s very hard to explain to people who do not have a background of Western enlightenment principles why it serves society better to let this asshole burn the Koran than it does to forbid such an action. It’s a long, complex conversation, and it’s really hard to get across while members of the GOP are holding hearings on Muslims, when Ann Coulter and others put it in terms of a religious war.

Support for our mission in Afghanistan means supporting the US’s stance of secular tolerance. The GOP, and far too many on the right, have totally failed in this.