
Blogger Linked to Chuck Johnson's Crusade Against Thad Cochran Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Prison

A Cranky One6/15/2015 7:57:30 pm PDT

So UpChuck and his cronies are going to destroy Twitter.

Chuck plots to destroy Twitter.

I get a mental image of the super genius in a drunken haze, writing lists of all the people and organizations he plans to destroy/sue and drunk calling Alan Dershowitz for advice.

Just out of curiosity, checked his personal website and goatnews and nothing recent on either. Don’t do FB so don’t know if he’s doing anything there, but he’s not working at his claimed profession.

I must confess his “protest” picture with the mouth covered makes me chuckle. Because I always wanted the asshole to shut up.

And Chicago wins the Stanley Cup!