
Another Idiot Brings Guns to an Obama Rally

DaddyG9/15/2009 1:40:04 pm PDT

re: #103 Killgore Trout The civil-war and insurrection talk is just rhetoric until someone actually does something. The brandishing of arms is about their twisted paranoia that the government will come take their Constitutional rights away.

You make too far a leap by saying “They actually want to rise up against our government.” and “Their only hope of living out their revolutionary fantasies would be to kill our first black president.”

They are unhinged certainly but you are exaggerating their threat and trying to mind-read their motives. Your statements would sound ridiculous if applied to gang members in DC who think it’s cool to brandish weapons and talk smack about cops and other public figures.

In fact the most violent action taken by protesters in recent years has been the boming of a recruiting station in NY and the damage caused by the Earth Liberation Front.

Abortion clinic bombers, eco-terrorists, anti-millitary bombers and Campus snipers are all of the same deragned ilk and no political arm has a monopoly on whacked.