
Mark Lettieri's Institute of Baritone Funk n' Learn: "Red"

ObserverArt3/12/2018 8:59:24 am PDT

All of this attention on PA18 sort of concerns me. If Saccone wins, Trump and conservatives are going to strut around like they conquered the world and Democrats/liberals are going to go into “oh no” mode about how everything is hopeless.

I don’t remember each and every race being looked at nationally like this. Of course this is a desperate time and we do have all of this instant “news” socially on the ‘net, but rising and falling on every election might cause too much fatigue for when things really count this November.

The biggest problem we have is getting out the vote. I worry all of this early attention could cause some early crashing amongst the left side of things and hurt us when needed the most. I hope people on the left and in the middle are tempering all of this and keeping it in perspective.

The right, win or lose, is in it no matter what happens.