
As Soon as He Returned From Texas, Trump Retweeted a Scam Account's Attack on Hillary Clinton

Decatur Deb9/03/2017 5:22:22 am PDT

re: #157 Anymouse 🌹

Debate between Sarah Kendior (scholar of authoritarian states) and Dr John Nilsson-Wright, senior research fellow for northeast Asia with the Asia Programme at Chatham House.

The question: Is there a real risk of nuclear action between the USA and North Korea?

Ms. Kendzior says yes and gives her reasons. Dr. Nilsson-Wright takes the opposite position and also says why he thinks that.

Ms. Kendzior starts:

Dr. Nilsson-Wright starts:

(more at the link from both)

So everythin’ gonna be alright if both Trump and Kim are sane.