
Cardinal Dolan Transferred $57 Million to a Cemetery Fund to Shield It From Sexual Abuse Victims

Decatur Deb7/02/2013 6:55:10 pm PDT

And the current archbishop is still bullshitting. Here’s the cop-out quote from his pastoral letter:

“But, we know that bad things happened to innocent children and youth. The arc of understanding sexual abuse of a minor progressed from being seen as a moral failing and sin that needed personal resolve and spiritual direction; to a psychological deficiency that required therapy and could be cured; to issues of addiction requiring more extensive therapy and restrictions on ministry; to recognition of the long-term effects of abuse and the need to hold the perpetrator accountable for this criminal activity.”

There was never a time, not even 40 or 50 years ago, when that was not seen as a particularly heinous crime. Don’t look for improvement from his administration.