
And Now, Ze Frank's True Facts About the Bolas Spider

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge3/15/2019 6:23:44 pm PDT

re: #14 Decatur Deb

Be an optimist. Imagine being an ambassador or other State Department functionary in 2022, after the US electorate crushes Trump and scrambles to restore sane governance.

How the hell do you explain the Trump phenomenon to the world community?

Like the last scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers: “You’re next!!!” The US, due to our apathetic electorate and winner-take-all political system, was the first to elect a Nazi to the highest office, but these factions exist in a lot of countries (as we’ve seen recently), and unless you stomp them down hard (like we will hopefully be doing) the same thing can happen to you.