
Crowded House: "Fall at Your Feet" (Live From Home, 2020)

A Cranky One7/05/2020 11:18:18 am PDT

Fireworks other than sparklers are illegal in our area. However, a short trip to Indiana will net all the fireworks desired. Most major roads are lined with firework stores as soon as you cross the state line.

At one time, the police made an attempt to limit bringing fireworks from Indiana, but it was primarily a PR effort with no real teeth.

Folks have been shooting off fireworks for days, but yesterday was especially bad. It pretty much started early morning and never stopped all night. I try to ignore it, but booms that shake the house at 2-3 a.m. are hard to ignore.

The police did apparently run off a group that was very close and firing what sounded like M-80s at 1 a.m.. Appreciated that, but they usually don’t do much to enforce the anti-fireworks laws.

I do wonder how many drunks are missing body parts today.