
Colbert: Bannon Takes a Perp Walk; Biden's Infrastructure Bill Funds Everything That Makes America Go

Mattand11/16/2021 11:14:16 am PST

Chris Christie fucked up a tiny little town’s traffic, to the point where a heart attack patient died on route to the hospital, as petty revenge.

And now oh-so-liberal CNN is practically jumpstarting his Presidential campaign, because he’s a respectable and not outwardly crazy version of Trump.

For fuck’s sake, even Trevor Noah was rah-rah-ing him.

I keep thinking about Bridgegate and what Christie did to Fort Lee and then imagining him, a guy who basically is Trump with a hint of self-control, being President?

Just think of all the petty bullshit he’d engage him to punish his opposition.

I really, really, thought I was done seeing this asshole in public life ever again, between Trump humiliating him and Bridgegate.