
How an Islamophobic Meme Can Spread Like Wildfire Across the Internet

SidewaysQuark1/03/2013 10:11:14 am PST

re: #15 CuriousLurker

LOL, I don’t need to look it up. You’re providing perfect examples of it.

You’re providing perfect examples of defending “stupid”. All religions are stupid and harmful, but the way Islam is practiced around large swaths of the world is disgusting, and as it is practiced in many places, Islam is the worst religion on earth. It takes some bizarre mental contortions for a sane person religion that’s driven over 80% of its practitioners in many of its most prevalent nations desire death for apostasy is somehow as good as any other religion, and it’s a quite idiotic premise to think religions for some reason must ‘all be considered equal’, and an even more idiotic premise to think religious ideas deserve ‘respect’ just because they’re ‘religious’.

And, no, nothing I said is a ‘straw man’. Please improve your logic skills, and stop calling other people assholes when you’re apparently much better at it.