
Which One of These Anti-Semitic Cartoons Is Not Like the Others

Buck1/28/2013 3:53:34 pm PST

re: #8 RadicalModerate

It’s a caricature. Personal features are going to be exaggerated. That being said, the image does not, in my opinion scream out “JOO~!” in the way that the others did. For example, there is no depiction of a Star of David, and his clothing isn’t in traditional orthodox garb, both of which are almost always present in anti-Semitic propoganda.

We disagree. A Star of David and traditional orthodox garb do not need to be present for something to be considered anti-Semitic. That would be a nice out. Basically allowing the artist to show anything they want, just as long as they don’t show a Star of David or traditional orthodox garb.

Look at the facial features. They don’t look ANYTHING like Benjamin Netanyahu. You might even think they were recycling an old Sharon cartoon.

Hint: Look at the nose of the Benjamin Netanyahu face and the other cartoons at the Camera link.

Arguably - at least from the standpoint of Jerusalem residents. Specifically his stance on settlements, as well as turning a blind eye to the actions of Haredi extremists.

Well, that is really my limit. Arguably? Benjamin Netanyahu is using the blood of Palestinians?

Yes, I’m well aware of those. That being said, I still contend that the cartoon was directed specifically toward Netanyahu, and not Jewish people.

You can look at a Jew depicted with a sharp weapon, using the blood of non-Jews and not see anti-semitsm, specifically blood liable.

I do take your word for it.