
Dr. Ben Carson, Birther: "From Where Were You (Obama) Applying" To Columbia?

A Mom Anon5/25/2014 4:22:18 pm PDT

re: #135 The War TARDIS

GO FIND SOMETHING TO DO. I mean this. You are a smart person, use it for something good. Go sign up for Habitat for Humanity, or any volunteer gig that interests you. If you’re looking for quiet, go to the museum, the botanical gardens, hike in the park, SOMETHING. Connecting with nature is a huge help, studies have even proven time spent hiking or walking in natural places help alleviate depression and anxiety. DO IT. Make the commitment to yourself. You’re at least self aware enough to grasp that you can’t be in a relationship right now, that’s one good thing.

If I recall correctly, you left your family, got in the car and drove hundreds of miles away to try and make it on your own. Do you know how big of a deal that is for someone on the autism spectrum? So there’s another positive thing. Build on what is good, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. You have to start where you are and go from there.