
The Other 'Other McCain'

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/22/2009 9:55:51 pm PDT

Also, for the record, anyone, who says anything to defend the American institution of slavery for any reason is no different to me than anyone who defends Hitler for any reason.

The thing that saddens me the most about those few of the Tribe who are turning a blind eye to this is that we have direct understanding of what that kind of hatred and bigotry does. We have to know better. If we have any lesson at all to take from it, we have to mean Never Again when we say it.

Never includes all people all the time.

There is never any excuse at all for saying such things.

It can not be explained away as sarcasm. It can not be explained away with spin. A sane person who understands the history - as in just how terrible slavery was here, or just how terrible any atrocity, like the Holocaust, or the Rape of Nanking or the Killing fields were, would never ever speak about such things except in the most serious and respectful tones.

Those who say such things are so wrong on so many levels. At best they are utterly callous and ignorant enough that they truly have no clue about the harm contained in their words. At worst, they are nothing more or less than monsters who approve of such things or turn a blind eye when they happen.

Darfur is still going on BTW.

I am so very tired and very saddened by the fact that these views are once again raising up in America. I was always taught and always believed that what made this nation great, was the core belief that all are created equal.

Of course, the so called neo confederates want to secede from such a view. We must be clear that they, and those like them, are enemies of all we stand for.