
ACORN Review Finds No Illegality

Guanxi8812/07/2009 1:49:31 pm PST

re: #153 Cato the Elder

Don’t forget, wingnuts, if your ACORN hysteria engine runs out of steam, you can always go back to your zombie-like hatred for anyone in a union.

All those thuggish hotel maids in SEIU, for instance.

I think nothing shows better the absolute bought-and-sold nature of the Republican party than the stance on organized labor. For pity’s sake, union labor was and should be the backbone of any domestic conservative constituency - they’ve got at least as much stake in a healthy economy as anyone else, they’ve got a proven network of interest, and they were one of the few reliably anti-communist national organizations during the Cold War. It mystifies me how they threw them over the side.