
Caution, Entering Funk Zone: THE FEARLESS FLYERS, "Introducing Delta Force"

CarolJ5/16/2020 9:27:25 am PDT

re: #57 Dr Lizardo

Indeed, I think if he loses, he immediately goes to Mar-A-Lago to spite Biden. Which means that Biden will have no assistance in making a transition and will have to wing it as he goes. Sure, Uncle Joe will have more help than anyone in getting started. Meanwhile, Trump underslings will also scatter to the four winds, knowing that as of January 20, whatever immunity they may have will be gone, and they need to get legal assistance or qualify for a federal pension, being unemployable in the real world.

Go in there and get the White House stewards to count and track the silverware. Trump flunkies will steal anything that isn’t nailed down and probably try to pawn it.

Trump will leave Pence holding the bag for the rest of what’s left of his term. He doesn’t care about Pence, nor trust him either, which is why there won’t be a pardon offered. He’s accept one, but he’d rather pardon himself than that. He considers Pence a patsy at best, a flunky at worst.

Indeed, Pence is going to be the tragic figure in all of this. He would have been better off just resigning as Governor of Indiana He’s never going to be President, be elected to the Senate, or nominated for President. If he had resigned as Governor and just sat it out, he might have some role to play in a post-Trump Republican Party. He will leave with nothing, not even book offers or a media position. Nobody cares what he has to say about anything, or sees him as a future leader.