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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/27/2020 7:44:52 pm PST

A debate is raging inside Young Life as the Colorado-based ministry faces backlash over LGBTQ policy (Denver Post)

Young Life (goes to Wikipedia)

Young Life is a youth Christian ministry based in Colorado Springs. It has chapters near more than 8,500 public schools and universities around the world with more than 360,000 members. They meet for Christian theology and to go forth and evangelise. (As usual, they are not given the tools to hold forth on theology, so when they fail, they return to the group, tying them closer to it.)

They maintain numerous summer camps in many countries, including eighteen US states.

The group is tearing itself apart according to the Post because members are rebelling against the group’s strict anti-LGBT agenda. Numerous chapters are separating from the group or dissolving altogether. LGBT youth can be members but cannot participate.

This is not their first controversy though it might be the one that brings the group down.

In 2007, Young Life promoted the rule to its instructors that they could not introduce the concepts of Jesus until they had first convinced children they were utterly depraved, so they would be easier for conversion.

Numerous NFL players are associated with the group (presumably because interest in football can be used to draw people into Christianity).