
Birther Queen Bee Rushes to McCain Opponent's Defense

Gus2/26/2010 10:06:08 am PST

re: #146 SanFranciscoZionist

Eisenhower seems like a natural target. Which, of course, will then lead to disparaging his war record. I don’t like the direction all this is going in, BTW, just in case someone hadn’t noticed.

That may be coming soon especially considering the recent embracing of the John Birch Society where we find:


Eisenhower Exposed

First, he discovered that Eisenhower was no military genius, contrary to the image so assiduously cultivated by the liberal media. Such capabilities as he possessed were more in keeping with those of a wily politician, not a military man. So mediocre were Ike’s talents that only a few years before his appointment as Supreme Commander he had served as aide-de-camp, with the rank of major, to General Douglas MacArthur. However, what he lacked in military acumen he compensated for in shrewd political “savvy.” Succeeding in capturing the attention of President Roosevelt, from that moment his future was assured. Eisenhower rose ever higher in the starry upper echelons of military rank while serving as the ever-faithful crony of Roosevelt and his Administration, the leftist ideology of which he apparently shared fully.


Next, Mr. Welch considered Eisenhower’s career after his return to civilian life. As president of Columbia University, Eisenhower took great pains to protect faculty members known for their communist sympathies or affiliation. He chose a known communist, Joseph Fels Barnes, to ghostwrite his book, Crusade in Europe. Finally, once elected to the Presidency, Eisenhower, as we noted, resisted those who wished a return to genuine American principles in government. He sabotaged anticommunists such as Senator Joseph McCarthy and continued the march towards bloated, centralized government at home and interventionism and internationalism abroad.