
More White Supremacists Sponsoring "Gun Appreciation Day"

allegro1/18/2013 1:32:31 pm PST

re: #147 Interesting Times

What a coincidence. Every time I hear a leaf-blower, I find myself experiencing homicidal urges toward its wielder :P Why can’t we just ban the disgusting gas-burning abominations and either sweep/rake the leaves, or (depending where they are to begin with) let them be so they can decompose and provide natural nourishment for the soil?

As much as I despise the noise and agree with the pollution issue, I have to feel some empathy for the landscape guys here at the park. Cleaning up the mowed grass, leaves, acorns, etc. is a massive job that would be never ending if all they had was rakes and brooms. I appreciate that they clean off my patio, clear the drives, and sidewalks as beautifully as they do. The blasted noise just makes me craaaaaaazyyyyyy!!