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Dr. Matt10/29/2019 8:27:29 am PDT

Lock Them Up? Frank Luntz Says Fans Should Be ‘Held Accountable’ For Booing Trump in Fox News Appearance

“You should hope that the president can go into a public space that has not been vetted or curated and not only get respect, but show respect, and this is the issue with someone who comes in to try to destroy being presidential,” Naftali said.

Asked for his reaction, Luntz said “That was the same thing as Hillary Clinton declaring that half of America were deplorable.”

Secretary Clinton actually said half of Trump’s supporters were “deplorables,” which would calculate to about 13 percent of voting-age Americans.

“The fact is, they should hold those fans accountable,” Luntz continued, adding “You don’t boo the president. You may disagree with him, you may think that he’s not what you wanted, but you don’t boo him. You show respect to him.”

As each day passes, the GOP Nazi fucktards lose even more dignity for the sake of placating Dear Leader.