
Overnight Open Thread

Targetpractice2/03/2015 7:31:50 am PST

re: #160 HappyWarrior

I think this is why Libertarianism attracts so many young people to it by the way. It sounds great, hey it has liberty in its name, and it’s about freedom! But then you look at what would actually if the Libertarian worldview happened. Abortion laws would go back to what they were before Roe. There would be no protection on a federal level for Civil Rights and states could be free to do what they wanted to and we’ve seen that the state governments do NOT always know or want best. The middle class that was built strongly through government investment in its citizenry due to the New Deal consensus agreed on from presidents from FDR to Nixon would be weakened. It would ironically despite Libertarians belief in capitalism weakened and discredit capitalism because the system would be rigged in favor of the haves but young Libertarians especially don’t think about that. They just hear freedom and platitudes about big government being bad and ignore what our grandparents and great grandparents had to deal with.

The appeal of libertarianism is that of greed, of the perception that you can do whatever you like and the only person who will be hurt is you. And while there are certainly some things that libertarians support that I agree with (legalizing “soft” drugs for example), overall I find the idea that you only have a responsibility to yourself to be rather opposed to the ideals of this nation.