
Crazy Ron Paulian Comment of the Day

William Lewis12/24/2011 7:18:04 pm PST

re: #138 Rightwingconspirator

What’s for dinner folks? We decided to make this monster rib eye roast. A nice xmas eve dinner seems like just the thing. LWC got us some nice champagne. We took this shot as it was going into the oven.

Image: ChrsistmasEveDinner.jpg

The wife asked for a nice irish stew so I got out some lamb, potatoes, carrots, flour, beef broth and the usual suspect herbs (parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme & bay leaf) and threw it all in the crock pot at 4:30 this morning. 8 ~ 9 hours later, a nice stew to go with a good loaf of bread.

Right now I’m waiting on the sweet rolls to finish the third rise before baking so we can have home made rolls like I always to for Christmas morning.