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Killgore Trout12/13/2012 11:33:29 am PST

Dkos: Barrett Brown Is Being Railroaded (Why You Should Care)

If this indictment stands and becomes precedent for law enforcement YOU will have less rights on the internet than you do in the physical world and should you post the wrong link in the wrong place, will be subject to arrest and up to 45 years imprisonment.

These are truly outrageous charges and I am forced to wonder if the people who were too dumb to get out of grand jury duty understood what the government was actually saying - that posting a link on the internet that may contain privileged information posted by a third party is a crime. That merely knowing someone’s credit card number or other piece of privileged information and having a record of that knowledge is a crime. The Department of Defense often talks about the 21st century being defined by Information Warfare, if this indictment stands there will be a war on information itself.

And that’s something YOU should care about.