
When Lying Right Wing Hacks Attack (or, Patterico the Idiot)

Talking Point Detective1/21/2011 12:10:17 pm PST

re: #156 Buck

Are you sure that he said that the comment “Obama is a racist” was a joke?

“Anything I have said in jokes, no”

“Anything I said uh uh like with the president I have already apologized, and I have said that many times”

SO WHEN YOU SAY that he has said that the comment about the President was a joke is a LIE by you. You are doing the exact same thing the haters are doing to Charles.

Let’s get this straight. From the Today show:

VIEIRA: I’m just, I’m ticking off a couple of them. That the President was a racist. You, you said, at one point, you were joking around, that you wanted to poison Nancy Pelosi. You wanted to beat Congressman Charlie Rangel to death with a shovel. In the spirit of this book-

BECK: Like eight years ago.

VIEIRA: In the – that doesn’t matter. It’s in the past. I understand that. But in the spirit of this book, do you regret that stuff now – having gone through this crisis – say you know what, that was dumb?

BECK: I regret that anything that I said – let me, let me give you this. Anything that I said in jokes? No. Ask Jon Stewart, ask The Simpsons okay?

You are arguing that he is saying there that calling Obama a racist wasn’t a joke?
