
Photos: Massive Protests at Airports All Over the US as Trump's Muslim Ban Takes Effect

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/28/2017 5:44:54 pm PST

re: #154 Myron Falwell

I’m at the point where I would support our country’s defeat and humiliation if when that comes to pass.

I do not support our country’s defeat or humiliation.

This humiliation today is all on the craven GOP and their supporters. (And purity ponies “But E-mails”)

Damn it, I am somewhere left of Thomas Pickety. But I’m not stupid. You have two choices in our elections. You vote for the not fascist.

Hillary Clinton would not be building a giant trillion dollar wall to her ego. She would be banning no one over religion, and she (from what I can see as an atheist) is a far better Christian in her faith than whatever the hell Donald Trump and his Two Corinthians are.

Hillary Clinton would not be engaging in two simultaneous trade wars (China and Mexico, two of our most important trading partners). She would not be any of the things Trump’s merry band of fascists are.

I have a damn private E-mail server, and none of the conservatives in my town are trying to string me up over it. What the heck are lefties buying into conservative smear campaigns for?

And Wikileaks is not our friend, and Edward Snowden needs to come home and face a court, if he actually has the courage of his convictions. The Pentagon Papers leaker stayed to face the music, not tried to run to Bolivia. He was not jailed.