
Racist Doc Appears As 'Expert' on Glenn Beck Show

Charles Johnson10/18/2009 12:06:33 pm PDT

re: #163 allegro

I’m going to throw something out here just for fun… but before I do I want to be very clear that I do believe that image is racist and was intended to be and that’s why the guy thought it was so funny. It’s revolting.

But now, that said, why do we automatically see an image of a shaman, or proud African warrior in traditional dress to be a negative? Someone here mentioned it was to show him as “primitive”. Aboriginal cultures are proud, fine societies that do a helluva lot less damage to the planet than those of us who are so “advanced”. Aren’t we showing a touch of racism ourselves by putting a automatically negative connotation (which I agree was the intent of the image) on that aspect?

Just a thought.

What the hell?

A picture of a witch doctor in itself is not a racist image. But when you photoshop Barack Obama’s face on it, and make sure to include a freaking bone through his nose, it’s not “racist” to point out that this is disgusting and vile.