
What I don't Hear

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/05/2014 6:48:02 pm PDT

re: #14 Kravmavolley

The words “Fuck all” appear in quotes because (as you can see above) that was the term you used.

You didn’t put “Fuck all” in quotes, you put “Doing fuck all” in quotes. That is not a phrase I said. Can you please, please stop doing this?

You’re right…at this point that is not going come from the Palestinian people but then again I was told that everything else was tried. Was I not?

Again, no you were not. I did not say that, you made it up. I said that everything else had gotten them fuck all—not that everything had tried.

Is English not your first language? Am i being too idiomatic for you?

As for quotes… as you can see I quoted you above. Those were your exact words. How is that wrong? I really am curious.

Because they were not my exact words. How can you claim I said ‘doing fuck all’ when I didn’t? And then double-down when I challenge you on it? What is the problem here?

Again, I thanked you for a civil response to my post. I disagreed on some points. I thought that was clear. How you took this for an “attack post” G-d only knows.

Misquoting me repeatedly, as I said, quickly gets tiresome.

You are quoting that insane person Moshe Feiglin. Ok…. he did something like that. BUT remember that Feiglin is a hard rival of PM Netanyahu, the position he holds is a mainly powerless andhe is a minor player in Likud. Still even that… What Feiglin promoted was awful and he should be stripped of any position in the government… his plan for exile and re-patriation in other states is NOT equal to Hamas’ - Kill all the Jews in the world commentary.

His plan is ‘equal’, in so far as monstrosities like that can be considered equal. His plan would not occur without massive civilian death in the Palestinian population. The idea that refugees from Palestine could be resettled elsewhere in any sort of reasonable time frame is complete fantasy. It is a vile, stupid, monstrous plan, just like Hamas’s vile, stupid, monstrous plans. I’m glad you agree he’s a piece of shit, but you know very well he’s not going to be stripped of his governmental power, and while his position is not very powerful, he is very much part of a spoiler group that Bibi is dependent on in the current moment.

It does nobody any good to ignore the incredibly disturbing hard-right swing that Israel has taken, nor overlook Bibi’s recent comments that basically rule out the peace process.