
Wingnut Free Verse of the Day: "TOTAL FAKE"

Sionainn, Warrior Mother2/02/2013 1:22:44 pm PST

I don’t know why I’m wasting my time with someone on my husband’s half-brother’s FB. He posted a quote, claiming it was from Benjamin Franklin. I posted a link showing that it was not. Now, there’s some gun nut friend of his whining that I’m attacking the messenger, I hate conservatives, that I should look at Conservapedia, and then states: “Here are some more things you should make yourself privy to- Agenda 21, the Benghazi cover-up, the funding of Egypt’s military, Australia’s affects from gun control and why the America’s became so successful after the American Revolution. Facts are my thing, actually, lol!!!”

I asked her, since facts are her thing, to post proof that quote came from Franklin. Now, she’s upset because THAT’S NOT THE POINT, it’s not the origin of the quote, but the meaning. Ugh. Stupid people.