
War on Yoga: Lawsuit Filed to End School Yoga Program, Claiming It Is a Religious Practice

EPR-radar2/21/2013 1:12:23 pm PST

re: #11 Randall Gross

It’s still a straw man regardless. Yoga was, and still is in practice by four major religions, any atheist or person of another religion has reasonable objection to it being taught in public schools.

For something to be banned from public schools on separation of church and state grounds, I think the activity to be banned has to be some form of religious indoctrination or training.

It is difficult to see how a yoga class that is only focused on the physical movements would qualify.

What is next —- ban the idea of the golden rule from classroom discussion because it is embraced by several religious traditions?

IMO, a conservative legal foundation would file a lawsuit like this expecting to lose, as a useful way to discredit church/state separation in public opinion.