
Overnight Acoustic Jam: Tommy Emmanuel, "Chet's Ramble"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/05/2016 7:06:27 am PDT

re: #159 SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN

I can argue whatever the heck I want if I can back it up. It isn’t like I’m making stuff up. You don’t see me criticizing her over real made up stuff. Your response to a legitimate problem is to not talk about it. How is that sensible? The best way to get past a mistake is to own it. You can’t move on while you (or your advocates) keep saying this is meaningless.
If this campaign were really about issues and facts, then Clinton would have won already. The unhappy fact is that most voters are not swayed by issues and facts, they are swayed by fear and innuendo. A pro like Clinton should have known better.
Take the case of Barack Obama and Reverend Wright. We all know that it was a BS story. But Obama didn’t let is fester. He immediately said that he doesn’t feel that way and threw Reverend Wright to the side. That scandal deflated very quickly and had almost no legs through the rest of the campaign.

The fact is, the only people who give a shit about the mail server are Clinton’s opponents. Nothing happened. Nothing was illegal. And the everyday voter could give a rat’s ass about it.

And Clinton will probably be the nominee, and the eventual winner of the election, despite the mail server nontroversy.

This whole thing has been investigated six ways to Sunday, and nothing unethical or illegal was turned up. Just give it a rest.